Exam Score Reports and Transcripts
- What if there are testing irregularities while taking a DSST exam?
- Can I still get an official score report after completing my exam?
- What should I do if my school didn't receive a CLEP or DSST score?
- How does my school receive my exam score report?
- What is the JST?
- How do I update missing or incomplete training data on my JST?
- I'm no longer in the Service. Can I still get a military transcript?
- I am having trouble getting my CLEP and DSST scores. What can I do?
- How do I find my CLEP and/or DSST exam scores ?
- I am a civilian, how do I get my CLEP and DSST transcripts?
- How do I request a GED transcript?
- How do I get my Praxis transcripts?
- How can I get a foreign transcript evaluation?
- How do I get a copy of my military education and training records?
- Joint Services Transcript
- What benefits are associated with the JST?
- What does the ACE ID mean the JST?
- Why are there courses on my JST that have not been evaluated?
- Who determines the courses in the ACE Military Guide and on the JST?